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Monika's Studio Policies


  • I use the FiddleQuest curriculum.  You will want to get your account set-up before your first lesson.  Cost is $15/month.  You can sign up at


Teaching Calendar

  • Lessons start on 9/4/2024 and end 5/30/25. 

  • There are 33 scheduled lessons over 9 months (Sept - May)

  • There are no lessons on

    • Oct 28 - Nov 1 (Halloween)

    • Nov 25 - Nov 29 (Thanksgiving)

    • Dec 23 - Jan 3 (Winter Break)

    • March 3-7 (Conferences)

    • March 24 - Mach 28 (Spring Break)



  • $110 / month for 30 min lessons

  • Tuition is for 33 lessons over a 9 month period

  • Tuition is paid in 9 equal payments of $110 over the 9 months of the teaching year. Some months will have a different number of lessons, but the payments stay the same. For example: December may only have 2 lessons but tuition remains the same as it is prorated over the 9 month period.

  • Preferred method of payment is a check, Venmo or Paypal.

Venmo: @Monika-MacDougall



Cancellations and Make-ups

  • Please let me know in advance, if you need to miss or cancel a lesson so that I can make the spot available for others. If you fail to give me enough notice I will not be able to grant you a make-up lesson.

  • You can reschedule at any time to a spot that is marked as “AVAILABLE” or “Cancel” on my teachers calendar.

  • Missed lessons never expire for enrolled students. It is your responsibility to find a spot if you want to make-up a lesson, I will not be keeping track.

  • Monthly tuition does not change when you miss a lesson.

  • In the event that a teacher needs to cancel a lesson, we will work with parents to reschedule at any time that is convenient for the student. If necessary, a lesson credit will be given for the following month.

  • You can see my teachers calendar here.



  • Lessons take place at my home in Ashland.


Additional Information

  • It is good to try and arrive 5 minutes early and have your fiddle ready and tuned so that we can make full use of your lesson time.

  • Please be respectful of our home, garden and pets, keeping an eye on your children when you are here. Please do not leave siblings unattended, I can not watch them while I am teaching.


Our Creekside community hosts several community gatherings throughout the year that include jams, dances, performances, etc.  You will learn about these gatherings in our weekly emails called “Fiddle news” or can see these events on our events calendar.

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